Watchman Willie Martin Archive


������������� The Army used aircraft and homing pigeons to drop turkey feathers dusted with cereal rust spores to contaminate oat

������������� crops, to prove that a "cereal rust epidemic" could be spread as a biological warfare weapon.

������ ������San Francisco Bay Area

������������� September 20‑27, 1950:

������������� Six experimental biological warfare attacks by the US Army from a ship, using Bacillus globigii and Serratia marcescens,

������������� at one point forming a cloud about two miles long as the ship traveled slowly along the shoreline of the bay.

������������� One of the stated objectives of the exercise was to study "the offensive possibilities of attacking a seaport city with a

������������� BW [biological warfare] aerosol" from offshore.

������������� Beginning on September 29, patients at Stanford University's hospital in San Francisco were found to be infected by

������������� Serratia marcescens. This type of infection had never before been reported at the hospital. Eleven patients became

������������� infected, and one died.

������������� According to a report submitted to a Senate committee by a professor of microbiology at the State University of New

������������� York at Stony Brook: "an increase in the number of Serratia marcescens can cause disea 2000 se in a healthy person

������������� and...serious disease in sick people."

������������� Between 1954 and 1967, other tests were carried out in the Bay Area, including some with a base of operations at Fort

��� ���������Cronkhite in Marin County.


������������� During the summer of 1994, U.S. military aircraft began dropping a gel substance on the tiny town of Oakville near the

������������� Pacific coast. Everybody in town came down with flu and pneumonia‑like symptoms. Some people were hospitalized

������������� and remained ill for months. Pets and barnyard animals died.

������������� The police chief was patrolling the town one morning at 3 a.m. when a deluge of sticky stuff coated the windshield of his

������������� patrol car. He cleaned the goo with rubber gloves but just breathing it made him deathly ill. By afternoon he had major

������������� trouble breathing.

������������� The gel material was tested by a number of government and private labs which found human blood cells and nasty

������������� bacteria, including a modified version of pseudonomas fluorescens, cited in over 160 military papers as an experimental

������������� biowarfare bacteria. Unsolved Mysteries aired the story on national television in May, 1997. Several Oakville citizens

������������� reported bizarre encounters with FEMA officials and intelligence personnel from Fort Hood Texas ‑‑ home of the Black

���������� ���Hawk unit. These spooks made repeated visits to Oakville, probing people about their health and reportedly intimidating

������������� those who had been interviewed on television.

������������� Also in 1997, rancher William Wallace was plowing his fields near Kettle Falls Washington when a U.S. Navy Intruder

������������� swooped down and sprayed him with a fine mist. He became so deathly sick he could not lift his arm above his head for

������������� days. He lost his job because of his illness. His cat's face became paralyzed and actually began to dissolve until it died.

������������� Wallace went to the CBS affiliate in Spokane with his story. Two days later, a turbo prop aircraft dived over his house

������������� spraying something that made him and his family ill again. Wallace told chemtrail investigator Will Thomas he felt this

������������� was a warning to "shut up." The CBS affiliate in Spokane finally did a two‑part news interview with Wallace in the

������������� spring of 1999.

������ ������Again in 1997, in Southern Idaho near the town of Caldwell, seven healthy people died in their sleep when their lungs

������������� collapsed. All were in perfect health. An article in the Arizona Republic noted that people had suspicions that officials

������������� might be covering something up. Two years later an eye‑witness report was filed about a dark fibrous material falling on

������������� Caldwell homes, cars and lawns shortly before the mysterious deaths occurred. Residents said the material looked like

������������� feces.

������������� Medical journalist Ermina Cassani has investigated nation‑wide reports of such biological waste being dropped on

������������� neighborhoods from low‑flying planes. Cassani investigated over 30 different yuk drops during the years 1998 and

������������� 1999. In 1998, she obtained a sample that looked like dried blood from a Michigan house. Examining this material, a

������������� University of Michigan lab found pseudonomas fluorescens, the same bug used on Oakville. It can cause horrible human

������������� infections including fatal shock, and because of its glowing properties, it allows the military to track its path.

������������� There were also other ugly pathogens, including staph and several fungi which can cause lung disease. Consider the high

������������� fungi content of this sample in the context of the mysterious fungus that infected Kentucky horses last spring. Could not

������������� furtive aerial drops provide a convenient mode of economic sabotage?

������������� Cassani also reported 29 biological "drops" in the state of Utah. HAZMAT teams in biochemical hazard gear cleaned

������������� up the feces with chlorine. Utah is home to the infamous Dugway Proving Grounds, a chemical‑biological test center

������������� where hundreds of former workers have contracted Gulf‑War like symptoms, according to a 1997 testimony before a

������������� government committee.

������������� During numerous chemtrail spray episodes, the small town of Sallisaw in Eastern Oklahoma area was saturated with a

������������� web‑like material in which lab techs discovered an unusually large enterobacteria. The critter was a mutant of E. coli,

������������� salmonella and anthrax; undoubtedly one of the military's designer bugs. Sallisaw resident Patrick Edgar has reported on

������������� the internet that the entire town was made extremely ill by the spraying and that the town now has epidemic rates of both

������������� lupus and cancer.

������������� Biological weapons encapsulated in protective coatings like synthetic webbing would explain why so many people who

������������� see web‑like filaments drifting down from the skies report illness after touching the webs. When the webbing is closely

����������� ��examined, it is proven to be man‑made filaments of the type developed by both industrial and military entities. Last year,

������������� South Africans reported web‑like filaments falling from aircraft that formed a blanket‑like appearance across vegetation,

������������� telephone poles and fences. When the cattle ate it they developed large bumps on their hides, became listless and went

������������� blind. Informed people everywhere are now wary of "web looking" materials.

������������� Chicago Tribune October 10, 2002

������������� Army seeks to expand chemical, biological drills;

������������� But critics fear possible effects around Utah site By Judith Graham

������������� For 60 years, the U.S. military has tested its ability to withstand chemical or biological attacks at a desolate site in the

������������� Utah desert. Protective gear for troops, heavy equipment such as tanks and aircraft, and detection systems designed to

������������� signal an attack have all been run through intense simulations, sometimes using active chemical and biological agents.

������������� Now, with a possible war with Iraq looming on the horizon, the military plans to more than double its testing at the

������������� 798,000‑acre Dugway Proving Ground, 80 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, and to vastly expand its counterterrorism

������������� training activities at the site. The plans are disclosed in a draft environmental impact statement issued by Dugway, which

������������� has received little attention in Utah or nationally. The statement indicates that the Army facility wants to expand

������������� biological defense testing from an average of 11 events a year to 26, and boost chemical defense testing from 30 events

������������� a year to 70. Counterterrorism training would go from two events to 58 events a year.

������������� Almost no test details are provided, making the few advocates following Dugway's plans uneasy about risks to public

������������� health and the environment if biological or chemical materials were accidentally released. The environmental statement

������������� notes systems are in place to make sure that does not happen.

������������� "In principle, there's an appropriate role for this kind of testing. But essentially what they're saying is we want blanket

������������� permission to double our mission without telling anyone what we really plan to do," said Steve Erickson, director of the

������������� Citizens Education Project, a non‑profit organization based in Salt Lake City. "With their track record, that's spooky."

������������� Information released Wednesday by the Department of Defense shows that during the Cold War, Dugway was involved

������������� in testing dangerous biological and chemical agents on military personnel in exercises on land and at sea. This seems to

������������� suggest that past tests were not confined to the isolated Utah setting, and posed more of a potential threat to human

������������� health than previously acknowledged.

������������� The 28 reports were released by the Pentagon after a two‑year investigation prompted by veterans who claimed they

������������� had been exposed to harmful substances during their participation in the exercises. As many as 5,500 men and women

������������� in the military may have been involved.

������������� In a news release, the Defense Department said safety precautions had been taken to protect service personnel at the

������������� time and its investigators had not been able to link the tests with "adverse health consequences." But it said the inquiry

������������� would continue.

������������� The chemical and biological exercises were overseen by the Deseret Test Center in Utah from 1962 to 1973; those

������������� tests occurred in the coastal waters off Hawaii, California and Puerto Rico, as well as on land in Alaska, Florida,

������������� Hawaii, Maryland, Utah and Canada. The center, headquartered at Ft. Douglas, Utah, was combined with Dugway in

������������� 1968 and the alliance lasted until 1973, according to materials supplied this week by Dugway's public affairs office.

������������� Some not fully informed

������������� The Pentagon acknowledged that some soldiers may not have been fully informed about the tests, which included use of

������������� the military's deadliest nerve agent, VX.

������������� Also, thousands of civilians in Hawaii and Alaska probably were unaware of their exposure to relatively mild bacteria

������������� meant to simulate germ weapons, a Defense Department health official said.

������������� "How are we supposed to trust an outfit that did this kind of thing but never told anyone?" Erickson asked.

������������� Dugway spokeswoman Paula Nicholson declined to comment, referring all questions to Defense Department officials.

������������� A year ago, when the anthrax attacks struck Florida, New York and Washington, it also emerged that Dugway had

������������� been producing a weapons‑grade form of the Ames anthrax strain‑‑the same strain investigators found in letters

������������� implicated in five deaths.

������������� The Utah complex had been making the lethal anthrax for a decade, and included the only military lab in the United

������������� States known to produce the finely milled, powdered form discovered in the letters.

������������� If weapons‑grade anthrax had been produced secretly at Dugway, Erickson wondered, what other active biological and

������������� chemical agents were there and how well were they supervised?

������������� "There should be much greater oversight" of activities at the testing facility, he said.

������������� The environmental statement indicates active agents will be used in defense exercises, along with much less dangerous

������������� substances that simulate chemical or biological agents.

������������� Up to 250 workers who served at Dugway during the Cold War claim to have been exposed to harmful substances,

������������� and believe they contracted serious illnesses, such as cancer and multiple sclerosis, from their work.

������������� "They don't want us to know anything about what they do out there, and they never have," said Beverly White, a former

������������� Utah state legislator who is leading an effort to get compensation for the workers.

������������� "I'm concerned about the people who live here. I think we've just about had enough," she added.

������������� In its draft statement, which has been circulating for comment in Utah, Dugway asserts the need for more tests and

������������� training "related to new enemy threats" and offers general examples of what these might entail.

������������� "Testing would evaluate newly developed biological defense detection and protection equipment that is required to

������������� effectively prepare for potential terrorism incidents," reads one point under the biological defense testing section.

������������� Mock city test planned

������������� "Large‑scale aircraft contamination control field testing" would "evaluate the way the military handles aircrew,

������������� passengers, and cargo in a chemically or biologically contaminated aircraft," another point notes.

������������� Counterterrorism training scenarios could include constructing a mock city and simulating an attack for "urban

� �����������chemical/biological incident training," according to the statement.

������������� Since 1999, Dugway has been training weapons of mass destruction teams for the National Guard. Under expanded

������������� counterterrorism training, more emergency response teams would receive similar instruction.

������������� One exercise would include firing a cruise missile into a building filled with containers of a chemical to see what would

������������� happen to the materials in such a scenario, the document said.

������������� "Sometimes it's very difficult to delineate the differences between offensive and defensive purposes in biological and

������������� chemical weapons testing," said Erickson, the Salt Lake advocate.

������������� Offensive testing is banned under biological and chemical weapons conventions signed by the United States.

������������� If things go as planned, Dugway's environmental impact statement will become effective a little more than a year from

������������� now. Implementing the preferred option, which calls for expanded testing, will depend on Department of Defense

������������� funding, spokeswoman Nicholson noted.

������������� ‑ ‑ ‑

������������� U.S. conducted biological, chemical weapons tests

������������� The Defense Department on Wednesday released data on secret biological and chemical weapons tests conducted

������������� during the 1960s.


������������� Harmless/near harmless

������������� (A) Bacillus globigii: Used to simulate anthrax.

������������� (B) Calcofluor: Irritant, used as a fluorescent tracer.

������������� (C) Diethylphthlate: Irritant.

������������� (D) Methylacetoacetate: Irritant.

������������� (E) Trioctyl phosphate: Used to simulate VX nerve agent.

������������� (F) Zinc cadium sulfide: Irritant, low risk of development of lung cancer.

������������� Causes temporary sickness

������������� (G) Ester of benzilic acid: Designed to cause stupor and hallucinations.

������ ������(H) Serratia marcescens: Can cause infections of the blood and urinary and respiratory tracts.

������������� (I) Tear gas: Burns eyes and airways and blisters skin.

������������� Potentially life‑threatening

������������� (J) E. coli: Can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, kidney failure and death.

������������� (K) Pasteurella tularensis: Causes infec‑tious disease; 6 percent of infected die.

������������� (L) Sarin: Lethal nerve agent; can perman‑ently damage central nervous system.

����� �������(M) Soman: Nerve agent can cause difficult breathing, coma and death.

������������� (N) Tabun: Nerve agent, death usually occurs within 20 minutes.

������������� (O) VX: Nerve agent, death usually occurs within 15 minutes.


������������� 1962 Ft. Greely, Alaska (L) (O)

������������� 1963 Ft. Greely (A) (F)

������������� 1964 Ft. Greely (O)

������������� 1965 Ft. Greely (A) (F)

������������� Canada (A) (F)

������������� Baker Island

������������� Pacific Ocean (A) (F)

������������� Ft. Greely (F) (L)

������������� Ft. Greely; Edgewood Arsenal, Md.; Canada (O)

������������� 1966 Pacific Ocean (D)

������������� Ft. Greely (D) (L)

������������� Ft. Greely (L)

������������� Hawaii (G)

������������� Hawaii (G) (L)

������������� Ft. Greely (O)

������������� Pacific Ocean (A) (B) (F) (H) (J)

������������� Ft. Greely (A) (H) (J) (K)

������������� 1967 Hawaii (D) (L)

������������� Ft. Greely (L)

������������� Ft. Greely (A) (H) (J) (K)

������������� England, Canada (L) (M) (N) (O)

������������� 1968 Pacific Ocean (A) (D)

������������� Yeehaw Junction, Fla. (A)

������������� 1969 Edgewood Arsenal (L) (M) (N) (O)

������������� Ft. Douglas, Utah (I)

������������� Vieques, PR (E)

������������� 1970 Ft. Douglas (A) (F)

������������� 1971 Ft. Douglas (C)

������������� Source: Department of Defense

������������� Chicago Tribune

������������� add your comments

������������� "Investigative reports" TV show Video clip about Biological tests in U.S. Cities

������������� by xx �

������������� RealVideo: stream with RealPlayer���� or download RM file (2.7 mebibytes)

������������� add your comments

������������� Capture of Army Bacteria spreading car, in New York city!

������������� by xx � Saturday December 07, 2002 at 01:51 AM

������������������������������������������� carsprayer.jpg, JPG image, 720x1440

������������� add your comments

������������� Also Check out this Antrax case story

������������� by xx � Saturday December 07, 2002 at 02:17 AM


������������� The first clip is a documentary about the FBI anthrax investigation. Listen near the end of the film They say that the CIA

������������� is protecting suspects.

������ ������add your comments

������������� See also:

������������� by nessie � Saturday December 07, 2002 at 09:41 AM





������������� add your comments

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